Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Live Music at The Mag

Friday, October 9 – Kristin Diable; October 16 – United We Jam; Saturday, October 17 – Captain Legendary Band.  The Saturday performance has a $10 cover charge.


Farmer’s Market

The Farmer’s Market is open every Thursday from noon until 5 pm at the old 4-H Barn on Wilcox Street – and they’ll be there until the first frost!  Come out and support our local farmers!


Angola Prison Rodeo

Gates open at 9:00 am for the arts and crafts show, and the rodeo starts at 2:00 pm.  Ticket cost $10 each and can be purchased before the rodeo by calling 655-2042 or 655-2041.  Tickets for just the hobby craft event are also on sale.  During the Rodeo, the Prison Museum will be open from 9 am until 7 pm, and there will be booths on the rodeo grounds selling t-shirts and other items from the Museum Gift Shop.  For more information call (225) 655-2607 or visit


Construction and Traffic

I heard about the heavy traffic this past Sunday after the rodeo on Highway 61.  Let’s all remember that with a little preparation and a lot of patience, things should go much smoother.  And be kind – let someone merge into traffic.  You won’t get there any later!  And don’t forget - be careful out there!


Sunday Mystery Tour

The Myrtles Plantation is offering a Sunday night Mystery Tour at 6 pm.  It’s a great way to end the day after watching the rodeo – more chills and thrills!  Mystery tours are also offered every Friday and Saturday at 6 pm, 7 pm and 8 pm.  Reservations are suggested so call 225-635-6277 to make your plans today.


1779 in Baton Rouge

The largest battle in the American Revolutionary War fought in Louisiana was the Battle of Baton Rouge and on Saturday, October 10, from 10am-4pm, this largely forgotten battle will be remembered at Audubon State Historic Site.  On September 21st, 1779 the Spanish General Bernardo Galvez along with American troops captured the British military post and garrison at Baton Rouge ending British control of the Mississippi Valley and river.  This year will actually mark the 230th anniversary of the event, and this program will begin the series of programs held at Audubon to commemorate the movement of West Feliciana from Spanish Territory to the West Florida Rebellion of 1810. Visitors can experience the sights and sounds of 1779 through seeing the soldiers' camps, a musket demonstration, talks and much more.  An admission fee is charged. For more information call Audubon State Historic Site at 1-888-677-2838 or 225-635-3739.


Pumpkins, Scarecrows and a Movie

The St. Francisville Main Street Program is sponsoring pumpkin carving and scarecrow decorating at Parker Park on Friday, October 16 starting at 5:30 pm.  They’ll provide the pumpkins and the hay – you bring the old clothes to decorate your scarecrow.  (I’m almost finished with mine so look for it in the window of the Museum and Information Center on Ferdinand Street!)  The movie is Coraline in 3-D, and 3-D glasses will be given out.  The Women’s Service League will be selling concessions, and admittance is a canned good for the West Feliciana Food Bank.  The movie starts at dark so bring your chairs or a blanket and join us for the fun!


Southern Garden Symposium

This year marks the 21st year of the Southern Garden Symposium which attracts garden enthusiasts from across the South and will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 16-17.   Workshops will be held at various sites throughout beautiful West Feliciana Parish.  For more information, visit or call Lucie Cassity, 225-635-3738.


The Myrtles on TV

Last night, Tuesday, The Myrtles Plantation was all over TV!  The SciFi Channel feature Ghost Hunters had the 2005 visit by TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society), and the Discovery Channel also featured a 2009 visit by Ghost Lab.  Congratulations!


Book Sale

The Friends of the Library is once again having their annual Book Sale on Saturday, October 24, from 8:30 am until 2:30 pm at the St. Francisville Town Hall.  There will be lots of books, DVDs, CDs and great prices!  All proceeds benefit the West Feliciana Parish Library.


Coming Events

October 24 and 25 – Yellow Leaf Arts Festival

October 25 – United Methodist Folk Choir concert and pancake supper

October 30 and 31 – Halloween Extravaganza at The Myrtles

November 7 – Community Treasure Sale Day


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